Work Ready Reading
February 18, 2022
Content starts We’re excited to be able to continue our blog series on the work ready skills training the National Work Readiness Council (NWRC) provides. This blog will focus on our work ready reading curriculum and why it’s important.
It’s no secret that reading is a great way to keep our minds young, healthy, and sharp. It’s also more essential than ever in today’s workplace environment. Since 2003, the National Work Readiness Council has offered Work Ready Courseware in a self-paced format in which learners develop the foundational workplace skills required for most jobs from entry level to professional.
The NWRC’s tools focus on building the foundational skills needed to be successful with an emphasis on workplace-based scenarios. The Work Ready Courseware helps learners understand the value of these important skills.
Work Ready Reading builds reading comprehension and reasoning skills to prepare learners to utilize documents in the workplace, such as memos, letters, directions, signs, notices, and regulations. Skills include obtaining and applying new vocabulary, following complex instructions, and understanding policies and procedures.
It also measures one’s ability to read, understand, and interpret written workplace text such as schedules, company policies, and technical manuals.
The assessment evaluates reading skills including obtaining information and applying new knowledge to the job; following instructions in complex procedural documents; and understanding and explaining regulations, policies, and procedures.
The Work Ready Courseware is ideal for measuring competency in foundational skills that focus on problem-solving skills required for 21st century opportunities, from entry-level to professional.
Contact the NWRC executive director Joe Mizereck by email ( today and ask about bundling the work ready reading assessment and work ready reading credential to give your learners and job seekers the right tools for success.
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